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World Menstrual Hygiene Day

World Menstrual Hygiene Day

A girl is such a creature who is difficult to be understood as many people say, yes may be it is true. But, how many know the reasons behind it?

As she enters in her puberty, she starts experiencing such a biological changes more than a male.

Many of her changes are such which needs to be hidden as per society norms.

Menstruation is one of them.
She can’t say in front of people(males) that she’s menstruating.It is called bad manners so called.

On this Menstruation Hygiene Day,I would like to take your time and just tell you to imagine as a human being that if a person is unable to express his or her feelings, if a person is not able to share what is happening with him or her, if a person behaves abnormal some of the days, if a person really gets out of the mind because he/she has to hide few things from society or you, if a person has to behave normal in severe cramps, if a person wants that tight hug or wants to be pampered by someone for a reason with them which he or she can’t express……

Will we consider them all mad 😡, crazy, hard to understand?
Guys!Its the changes going inside her body, when she isn’t menstruating still the hormones are doing the preparations for the new cycle.

Give them some time, pass on your warmth, pacify them, even the devil females will be understood by you.

And, to all the females,
Be clean, Menstruating days doesn’t make you dirty rather it’s the capability of yours to give a birth to a new living.


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