Lockdown during COVID-19 distress, a phase where everyone is trying to cope in their way. From government to individuals, measures are being taken to ensure not just the safety but the well-being of both known and unknown. It is the time when we are seeing around, people stepping up, contributing, and ensuring to provide what they can and help the government by their only means. Many celebrities have stepped up to pledge and to contribute towards various government funds which have been set up for helping the citizens around. “With a little of what we fill in, we can help way bigger than we thought”, this is what Pandit Devkinandan Thakur said, when he finally saw the unexpected scenarios around. He saw how the misery spread amidst the poor and labourer section who worried not just to save themselves from the virus, but also were unsure about how they would take care of their families (financially) during this pandemic (COVID-19). Seeing this chaos of people’s mind, the Bhagwat Orator and the founder of Vishwa Shanti Sewa Charitable Trust, Pandit Devkinandan Thakur took a step ahead to provide a helping hand in this distressful situation.
Since the establishment, Vishwa Shanti Mission organization has been helping people around, both nationally and internationally; and as of now since the last 30 days of lockdown, it is helping the families in need with the essentials. Apart from same, steps like online preaching and spreading of the message to follow lockdown measures are being done to ensure the safety and well-being of all. Pandit Devkinandan Thakur one such message says,
“Let the government fight only 1 (COVID-19). We are truly not the one they should fight against.”
Thakur Ji together with his other disciples and established organization, also pledged to contribute 51 Lacs towards the government created fund. He got the cheque of 11 Lacs deposited in the PM-care fund and the amount of 10 Lacs was used to distribute essentials, masks, and sanitizers, in and around Mathura-Vrindavan. Not just this, he requested a few organizations, his disciples and their families to step-up during this distress and help the government directly by whatever amount they wish to contribute. “Great results of this request made are being achieved. One such follower of Pandit Devkinandan Thakur, Dr Mukesh Sharma, from Bangalore made his contribution of 22 Lacs in the government funds. Even in Kanpur, Prayagraj, Patna, and other states; varied organizational set-ups are coming up and helping the people around with the essentials”, said the organization Secretary Vijay Sharma.
As per the available count by the organization, since the beginning of the lockdown, around 1500 families have been helped along with the essentials they might need to survive through the pandemic. Flour, lentils, rice, oil, spices, and vegetables and a lot more have been distributed to the people to ensure that these daily wage earners or labourer sections have at least one thing to stress about. Apart from the same, sanitizer, masks, soap, dettol, and gloves, etc were also distributed to ensure the safety of people around. Dry essentials are also being reached out daily, to the dozens of families living in different colonies of Mathura, by the Vishwa Shanti Mission organization and to ensure social distancing the Secretary is always on field ensuring no-touch delivery to the homes. It has also been ensured by him that all those families who reached out to provide their names for essential commodities at Thakur Priyakant Ju Mandir have been provided help by the organization.
Our mind is always on spin and to keep it calm, online preaching’s are made by Pandit Devkinandan Thakur to ensure that people can keep faith in the objectives of government behind this lockdown. He is also making sure to reach out people with his message through his YouTube channel, Facebook page, and his other social media platforms having more than 20 lacs followers and subscribers, that “Lockdown is for our safety and we the followers should our and around our lives.” Thakur Ji has also been seen, keeping his pupils aware of social distancing and following of governments provided measures.
As per Pandit Devkinandan Thakur, “we the people who are safe within the 4 walls, no matter how much we thank and respect all those the social workers like cleaners, doctors, and the other people who are acting real warriors during this distress, it won’t be enough. They are fighting with this deadly virus for their nation and humanity and we must all be thankful to them for our and the well-being of our family.” He also thanked all the citizens who are following the measures by staying home. As for him, they are true nation lovers. Last but not the least, his one message that touches the heart is,
“Now is the time to show real love, real neighbourhood, and real patriotism. We have earned a lot and we would earn a lot through this society but now, it is time to show a contributory heart and this isn’t an obligation, it should be our free will.”