Home / NATION / Government is providing Self-defence Training to Girls in schools and colleges through various initiatives
Government is providing Self-defence Training to Girls in schools and colleges through various initiatives

Government is providing Self-defence Training to Girls in schools and colleges through various initiatives

Self defence training is already being imparted to girls of class VI to XII belonging to Government Schools under Samagra Shiksha- a flagship scheme of the Government in the school education sector. Fund for this purpose is provided for three months @ Rs. 3000/- per school per month for inculcating self-defence skills including life skill for self-protection and self-development among the girls. Self defence training is also being given in Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas (KGBVs) which are residential schools meant for girls of Class VI to XII and belonging to disadvantaged groups.

Self defence training is regularly provided to girl students in Kendriya Vidyalayas (KVs), Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs) and Schools run by Central Tibetan Schools Administration (CTSA), where girls are trained in Judo, Taekwondo and Boxing, etc. In KVs, inter-house competitions and tournaments of these games are conducted at Regional and National levels.

University Grants Commission (UGC) has issued letters from time to time to Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) requesting them to sensitize the management and teachers and to work out road-map for implementation of the recommendations of the SAKSHAM report on the measures for ensuring the safety of women and programmes for gender sensitization towards a policy of zero tolerance on the campuses vide letters dated 18.02.2014, 28.08.2014, 01.09.2014 and 06.11.2014. UGC has also framed guidelines on Safety of Students on and off campuses of HEIs.

The Special Police Unit for Women and Children (SPUWAC) of Delhi Police organizes self defence training classes and workshops on the request of Heads of Schools / Colleges / MNCs/ Hospitals /Institutions /NGOs /NCC /Hotel etc. for students, working women and house-wives.


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