The Vice President of India & Chairman, Rajya Sabha, M. Venkaiah Naidu has expressed his profound grief over the untimely demise of Amar Singh, a sitting independent Member of Rajya Sabha. Amar Singh, 64, breathed his last today in a Singapore hospital where he was under treatment for past few months.
The Vice President has been in constant touch with the Indian High Commissioner of Singapore and instructed him to extend all necessary help regarding Singh’s treatment.
Naidu was also in touch with Amar Singh and regularly enquired about his well-being. He was hopeful of Singh’s early recovery and return to India.
Expressing sorrow over Singh’s passing away at a relatively young age, the Vice President said that the country has lost an able Parliamentarian.
“Singh was popular across the political spectrum and always strove for the uplift of the downtrodden and marginalized sections of society”, he added.