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"Travel Local and help the community" says Travel Bloggers Vishu and Saumya

“Travel Local and help the community” says Travel Bloggers Vishu and Saumya

The world has been hit by the pandemic in the form of Covid 19. This is one of the worst times ever experienced by all walks of life. Even the travel industry has been deeply impacted with the same. Everyone is learning to live with this new normal which includes Travel Bloggers Vishu and Saumya Blogging at RoadtoTaste. While we are still trying to find the vaccine, smaller businesses and those related to the hospitality industry are trying different ways to recover from the huge losses.

Travel bloggers Vishu and Saumya blogging at RoadtoTaste have been a part of the travel industry for many years. They have travelled to many destinations and have worked with different hospitality and tourism boards. Being a part of this industry and having experienced everything so closely they share few tips to help the people around us.

While traveling far and wide has been a dream for many, we usually forget that our own city, state or country can be dream destination for someone else. We often miss the essence of our city and want to explore more. Here are some of the tips shared by Vishu and Saumya, travel bloggers blogging at RoadtoTaste to help the society in these times of desperate needs.

Travel Local:
There are many aspects of our local area which we haven’t explored. This is the time when we can explore our local surroundings and make the most of the opportunity. This shall help those who are in small and medium business in the local community and help them overcome the situation. While you travel and promote the local surroundings, you also help others in knowing more about your city. This in turn will help the overall tourism at large.

Enjoy the local delicacies:
When was the last time you all went for a family dinner? As the restaurants and eateries are opening for dine-in in many areas, it is important for us to help them stand again. While all the restaurants are practicing social distancing for dine-in, they are also open for take away orders. Vishu and Saumya blogging at RoadtoTaste have always been foodies and appreciating good and healthy eating. It is time for us to explore our city again and go for food walks to savour the local delicacies and help the society.

Promote local businesses and craftsmanship:
As all of us have been deeply impacted with this pandemic, all the local skilled craftsman has turned jobless for almost 6 months. It is time for us to support them by appreciating their work and buying products produced by them. Travel Bloggers Vishu and Saumya blogging at RoadtoTaste say that for all of us who were not financially impacted by Covid19 should support local businesses by buying products from them. It is the time when we can go for another revamp of our household and support the local industry.

Help each other:
This is the time to show that we care. Vishu and Saumya blogging at RoadtoTaste say that it is very important for us to help and support each other at these times. This includes your househelp, your vegetable vendor and all those people who have been there to help us when we needed them during our day to day life. Managing lives without the daily help can be really difficult for some especially when you are doing two shifts a day. So now it’s time for us to show them we care by helping them financially or any other way possible. If you have food on your table and are thankful for it then don’t refrain yourself from sharing it with others in need.

Stay healthy and Stay safe:
Most importantly, stay healthy and stay safe. While Vishu and Saumya have started exploring the city of Albany now after 6 months of moving in here, it is very important to take the necessary precautions to stay safe according to them. Their Instagram stories and posts on VishuSaumya talks about the importance of wearing masks, using sanitizers, practicing social distancing and being safe when you go out to explore.

Travel bloggers Vishu and Saumya believe that while it is important to help others during these crucial times, it is very important to ensure one’s own health and safety while going out. As they have always practiced and promoted responsible tourism through their travel blogs on RoadtoTaste, they wisheveryone a safe journey ahead.


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