Home / NATION / Prof Nabhit Kapur nominated by PM Louis- George Tin of state of African diaspora as the Roving Ambasaador.
Prof Nabhit Kapur nominated by PM Louis- George Tin of state of African diaspora as the Roving Ambasaador.

Prof Nabhit Kapur nominated by PM Louis- George Tin of state of African diaspora as the Roving Ambasaador.

Barely 2 days ago The Prime Minister of the state of African Diaspora Louis -George Tin nominated Prof Nabhit as the Roving Ambassador.

In a communication from the office of the Prime Minister states that Prof Nabhit has been nominated based on merit.

The statement reads that Prof Nabhit will be the roving Ambassador from 2019 and the oath office will be done on December 16th, 2019.

Receiving the message Prof Nabhit welcomed the appointment and assured the Prime Minister that he will use his skills and abilities to serve the diaspora .

Speaking to our reporter Prof Nabhit said he was so excited when he was told of his appointment and he never believed it, considering that he has a lot of friends who are well qualified but appointing him its something very unique and important in life.

“Im not taking this appointment for granted, i know i don’t deserve it, but because of my work i am doing in the world of serving mankind, has added and widen my opportunity to be appointed, says Prof Nabhit.

The new appointment reveals that Prof Nabhit is the first Non African to hold the Position and his work will include among others to connect the diaspora with the continent including business , culture heritage , restoration , tourism and diplomatic exchanges.

It is expected that Prof Nabhit will officially meet the Prime Minister on the 16th December to submit his credentials and take the official oath of office.

H.E . Amb Prof Nabhit is the is a renowned Psychologist in who is the founder of Peacful Mind foundation


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