The beauty of fiction lies in the fact that it carries the reflection of facts, in spite of claiming it to have a dose of imagination. Indeed! The factual aspects of societies are so much gross in nature that the society, leave aside the readers will not be able to savour those facts. An author has to put on the mask of imagination in order to portray his words.
And this mask becomes more imperative when he gathers the courage of lending his voice to the most heinous atrocity of any society, leave aside the debate of supporters & abusers of Democracy civilized and uncivilized. Those atrocities which are enough to torn apart any mortal’s heart, then the plight of an artistic heart should be left for due diligent furthering discussions. We shouldn’t surprise ourselves when history reminds us that today’s fiction may be tomorrow’s reality.
Every year comes with a resolution ceremony where we take resolution to be a change factor in our society. Alas! These oaths and swearing changes swiftly as we get engrossed in our day to day mundane activities. But what to say about the heart of an author who shed blood tears after being the spectator of a disgraced society? His each and every syllable are committed to create an impact which could create at least an impression of a civilized society, where civilization has been synonymous to superstitions.
And such authors truly deserves a recognition and Mirrro who has not only dared to pen down those fallacies of the society, but even fearlessly moving further with weird path breaking solutions have been truly adjudged as the ICMDR Best Debut Author 2020 Award for his Mirrro@The Weird Wayward.