Arena Animation, the Pioneer, Trendsetter and Global Leader in Animation & VFX education in India recently organized its Biggest “National Student Meet 2019” in Goa – an opportunity where Arena Animation students across India witnessed exceptional work done by the Industry stalwarts.
Arena’s National Student Meet (NSM), an annual meet of students had participation from across the country. NSM was held from 16th October to 18th October 2019, a 3-day event designed to provide multiple benefits to the students.
Arena Animation Presents NSM 2019 | The First Ever National Student Meet
Industry stalwarts representing the leading studios in India conducted sessions on Visual Effects executed in the movie “The Lion King”. This session was conducted by Agnus Dung Dung & Babu P. (MPC). Nikhil Parab (DNEG) conducted the Hollywood VFX Showcase “Men in Black: International” session. This was followed by an experiential talk on “The Making of Animated TV Commercials” by Vaibhav More (Founder & Director, Vaibhav More Films, Mumbai). Hands-on workshops were covered by Prashant Shahane (Co-founder & Director, Occult Studios, Mumbai), Roto Shah (Independent Music producer & Composer) & Vaibhav More on Character Design for Animation & Games, VFX Photography & Cinematography, Big Ideas, Short Films, Neon Puppet Music Video & Mobile Cinematography.
Other than Academic attractions students got a fun-filled experience by being a part of early morning Zumba sessions, Adventure games, 24/7 Gaming zones. The students were given multiple opportunities to compete, learn & win exciting goodies such as VR kits & branded merchandise. Last but not the least Goa, as a venue also contributed to make this event a one of its kind experience for all the Arena Animation Students.
The industry experts lent their guidance to the students and also provided them with useful career tips, for them to be job ready. The students were exposed to the latest industry trends and at the same time they were able to apply the learnings to their individual projects.
Congratulating the participants, Mr. Pravir Arora, Group Chief Marketing Officer, Aptech Ltd. said, “Arena National Student Meet is an initiative that offers a holistic benefit to the students. On one hand they receive quality insight including tips and tricks, and on the other, they receive quick and comprehensive learning. With such creative learning platforms, we want to establish a stage for students to network with the industry experts. I would like to thank the industry experts for taking their precious time out and heartily congratulate the participants of Arena National Student Meet, 2019”.
Arena Animation believes that the growing demand in the Media & Entertainment Industry (Animation VFX, Gaming, Broadcast and Design) can only be met by skilling the youth and nurturing their creative minds to make them industry-ready. Initiatives like NSM by Arena Animation aims towards creating a strong community of skilled professionals.