According to reports, an FIR has been lodged against the former Delhi MLA and Congress leader Alka Lamba at Unnao’s Sadar Police Station. Aishwarya Sengar, daughter of former MLA Kuldeep Singh Sengar, who is in Delhi’s Tihar Jail in the Unnao rape case, has submitted her complaint to the police department over the misleading tweets. Aishwarya Sengar called the tweet done by the congress leader from her Official Twitter Account, as a conspiracy to seek political benefits.
Former MLA from Delhi’s Chandni Chowk constituency, Alka Lamba tweeted that at the command of senior leaders of BJP, the court has granted bail to Kuldeep Singh Sengar in the case. In the complaint, Aishwarya has also written that her father, Kuldeep Singh Sengar have appealed in the Delhi High Court, the hearing of the case is scheduled to be on June 1, but through the tweets, deliberate confusion was spread that the court has granted bail, while the same has not took place.
जिन बलात्कारियों( BJP नेता) पर CM #ढोंगी, MP #साक्षी, HM शाह, PM मोदी जी आशीर्वाद हो, आखिर उसे कोई भी अदालत अधिक समय तक सलाखों के पीछे नहीं रख सकती…
HC के जज ने ऐसा कर बस अपनी जान बचाई है… 🇮🇳🙏.
महिला मंत्री स्मृति ईरानी को अपने इस नेता की रिहाई मुबारक.— Alka Lamba जय भीम 🇮🇳🙏 (@LambaAlka) May 22, 2020
While Alka Lamba has left the Aam Admi Party and joined congress, she has been in controversies at a number of times in the past too due to her tweets and comments. Few days back, Alka Lamba engaged in a twitter spat with the Olympic medalist Yogeshwar Dutt, questioning his parentage. There have been many complaints against her in regards to the statements and remarks she made to various political leaders and persons.