Amazon Prime Video today announced the global premiere of Telugu action packed thriller V. Directed and written by Mohana Krishna Indraganti, the film stars ‘Natural Star’ Nani in the lead, along with Sudheer Babu, Nivetha Thomas and Aditi Rao Hydari essaying pivotal roles. Prime members in India and in 200 countries and territories can stream the first star-studded Telugu film V on the streaming service starting September 5, 2020.
Announcing the arrival, Amazon Prime Video shared, “#VOnPrime, Sept 5!”
Taking to his social media, Nani posed a note for his fans and wrote, “V is coming home Red heart. September 5th.. The Hunt is On!
V is coming home ❤️
September 5th.. The Hunt is On!@PrimeVideoIN #VOnPrime
— Nani (@NameisNani) August 20, 2020
Nani said, “I personally enjoy watching gripping action-thrillers and V is one such title that delivers thrills, drama and fast-paced action. The cat-and-mouse game between Sudheer Babu’s and my character is what drew me the most to this project. I am very excited about the Global Premiere of V – the movie marks my 25th in the film industry, I could not have asked for a bigger tribute to my fans and supporters, than to have V available to watch anytime, anywhere on Prime Video, across 200 countries and territories.
Interestingly, the movie marks its global premiere on the same day as my debut movie release – 5th September!”
Vijay Subramaniam, Director and Head, Content, Amazon Prime Video India, said, “It is our endeavor to bring the latest entertainment across languages and genres for our customers and work with the best of talent. Telugu cinema has delivered block-buster hits that have not just entertained audiences but also conveyed important social messages. Telugu content aficionados and customers have been one the most engaged on our service. We are thrilled to present an all-out action-packed, visually-stunning entertainer – V, to our audiences. Nani is amongst the biggest names across Telugu cinema and we are delighted to globally premiere his latest starrer, V, on Amazon Prime Video.”
Producer Dil Raju said, “We have received a phenomenal response to our movies like Jaanu, Maharshi and Sarileru Neekevvaru, that are available to watch world-wide on Amazon Prime Video. Prime Video has been great partner in taking our content to consumers not just in India, but outside the country as well. They have helped break the barrier of language and geography, where the quality of the content and the storytelling have become key criteria to watch and enjoy content. We are thrilled to take our association a step further with the global premiere of V. The film is an action-packed thriller with none other than Nani in the lead along with the talented cast Sudheer Babu, Nivetha Mohan and Aditi Rao Hydari, and we are certain that the story will cut across geographies and will be enjoyed by all audiences.”
V is an action thriller about a cop falling in love with a crime writer. When everything is going great, his life turns upside down when a killer challenges him with a puzzle to solve. Produced by Dil Raju, Shirish and Harshith Reddy, V is directed by Mohana Krishna Indraganti with music composed by Amit Trivedi. The gritty action-thriller stars ‘Natural Star’ Nani, Nivetha Mohan, Sudheer Babu and Aditi Rao Hydari.
V will join the thousands of TV shows and movies from Hollywood and Bollywood in the Prime Video catalog.