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Barry Shares 3 Daily Habits That Make You a Total Go-getter

Barry Shares 3 Daily Habits That Make You a Total Go-getter

We often look back at what we have achieved and wonder why we couldn’t do more. Then, we look up and envy the lives of achievers and wonder how they could do so much more!

Barry, thanks to all the experience of a life well led and the achievements that speak of a successful life, knows just how essential it is to do things right to achieve all that you want in life.

Wake Up Early, Use the Time for Yourself

“When you wake up early, you’d be surprised at the amount of time you get during your day. If you usually start your day at 10, imagine what you could do with it if you start at 5. You can even throw in a few power naps and an afternoon siesta with so many extra hours on your hands,” says Barry.

Waking up early leaves you with plenty of time in your day to complete your tasks on time. Because you have lot of hours left on the clock, you can plan your day accordingly. Moreover, you can even spend these leisurely morning hours doing the things you truly love without the noise of a busy day spoiling your atmosphere.

Discover Your Peak Focus Hours, Wrap up the Toughest Tasks

We all have our good and bad hours. Some of us work well in the hustle and bustle of the morning hours. Some of us complete tasks during the afternoon hours when everyone else is lazing around. Others work optimally when the day is about to be done.

“When you define your peak focus hours, you know exactly when your body and mind are at their best. You can then line up the toughest tasks of your day for these hours,” says Barry. “It’s like revving a car engine and knowing exactly when to let it go. Do it at the right moment, and you will reach top speed in record time!”

Forget Multitasking, Do It One Task at a Time

“Multitasking is a concept that has been revered and espoused for far too long for all the wrong reasons. It has probably been more detrimental than any other notion in work or management history,” says Barry.

It is better to do one task at a time, with complete concentration and dedication. “This way, you will be giving your task everything you have, which means the result too will be the best,” states Barry.

Adopt These 3 Habits Today, Especially If You Think It’s Too Late Already

In life, the true blessing is that no matter where we stand today, we can always make changes and work toward being an achiever! Whenever someone comes up and expresses regret for leading a life that isn’t quite up to the mark, I tell them to begin putting these 3 daily habits to work right away. Often, I witness them transforming their lives almost immediately,” concludes Barry.

Indeed, with these 3 great habits on our side, living the life of an achiever could be a reality!


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