As fans eagerly await the release of Bhumi Pednekar starrer Durgamati, Amazon Prime Video along with the makers raised the excitement levels with an immersive activity. As the Bollywood Industry and film promotions are slowly and steadily getting back on their feet, filmmakers are leaving no stone unturned to attract audiences with unique promotional tactics. To create further intrigue, Amazon Prime Video in collaboration with the makers of the film activated a unique water projections activity yesterday at the iconic Dadasaheb Phalke Chitranagri a.k.a Filmcity in Mumbai.
Fans at the Filmcity Lake witnessed the film’s projection in the water.
Bhumi’s post
Akshay also tweeted
A one of a kind event was organized last night where we did a water projection of a clip from #Durgamati.
Here’s the video!
Meet #DurgamatiOnPrime tomorrow, @PrimeVideoIN
@bhumipednekar @ashokdirector2 #CapeOfGoodFilms #BhushanKumar #KrishanKumar @vikramix @Abundantia_Ent
A one of a kind event was organized last night where we did a water projection of a clip from #Durgamati.⁰Here's the video!⁰Meet #DurgamatiOnPrime tomorrow, @PrimeVideoIN ⁰⁰@bhumipednekar @ashokdirector2 #CapeOfGoodFilms #BhushanKumar #KrishanKumar @vikramix @Abundantia_Ent
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) December 10, 2020
This activity follows the ‘Durgamati Mirror Installation activity’, which allowed fans in Mumbai and New Delhi to have immersive experience with the unique mirror at key locations across the two cities. The mirror installations give on-lookers an experience of a rapidly emerging Durgamati creating a spooky atmosphere with flickering lights, chilling sounds fand the illusion of the mirror cracking with terror adding to the entire fear factor.
Written and Directed by G. Ashok, Durgamati is a thrilling, scary ride that tells the story of an innocent Government officer who is made the victim of a major conspiracy involving powerful forces. The film is produced by Vikram Malhotra, presented by Akshay Kumar under the Cape of Good Films banner, along with Bhushan Kumar under the T-Series Banner. Film stars Bhumi Pednekar and Karan Kapadia along with Arshad Warsi, Jisshu Sengupta and Mahie Gill. Prime Members can stream Durgamati in India and across 200 countries and territories starting December 11, exclusively on Amazon Prime Video.