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Vivarta and its fight against Covid-19

Vivarta and its fight against Covid-19

Everybody is aware of the present scenario, the global pandemic of Covid – 19 has taken over us with a heckle. It is needless to say that the condition of the whole world is very serious. With the passing of more days it is becoming more and more crucial. Its onslaught started from China and subsequently spread to the rest of the world. With the passage of time Italy, America and Iran became some of the most affected countries till now and this could happen to any country if proper steps are not taken.To combat this global threat countries all over the world have gone into lockdown including India. So, to combat this ever growing threat , the government of India has stated a complete lockdown of 21 days starting from 24th of March, during which people are requested to stay home, quarantined and isolated as much as possible.

Although this is a time of emergency, and what common people should do is stay inside their houses as much as possible, it is also to be kept in mind that staying home, staying at the same place for weeks is often tiresome and peoples’ lives become monotonous. To battle this Team Vivarta has taken some innovative steps in overcoming these boredoms. From the very beginning of this period it was seen that Team Vivarta has been spreading awareness amongst people by posters, banners and other interactive ways regarding Covid-19.

Vivarta , one of the biggest techfest in Kolkata was supposed to be held in March, but keeping in mind the present situation it wasn’t appropriate anymore as the team was utterly careful about the health of the community and decided to reschedule. When everyone is home, bored and fed up with this current situation, Team Vivarta has started something that may be the first and one of its kind. Since, the physical arrangements of the tech fest is not possible right now, members of Vivarta are working tirelessly on something else, something unique and creative that adapts to the present scenario and brings to you the best possible results.

Vivarta is focusing on organising a series of online events. Recently, we have seen them doing a meme contest which was quite interesting and interactive. A huge number of students participated in it and it helped in spreading some positive vibes in this time of distress.Apart from the meme contest, they also had organised a quote writing competition, it also saw a wide participation from the mass.Also there are plans to organise a tournament of the highly popular multiplayer mobile game PUBG by Vivarta in which a large participation from the peers is expected. Vivarta is not focused on organising recreational online events only, they have also arranged for online educational sessions on various topics by experts which will help the present student community to hone their skill set and help them out in this modern competitive world in choosing their careers and excelling in them. They are one of the pioneers amongst tech fests to organize such innovative online events.

The team is doing this for the mass, their main aim is to keep their fellow compatriots confined in their home yet keeping them entertained and indulged with activities by allowing them to take part in various events that will be held by the fest team.

As a techfest group, Vivarta is doing their best in this present scenario. Online events will surely help students to get out of their boredom and at the same time it will contain them to their respective houses. This is really a great initiative that every fest group should be doing, Vivarta being the pioneer surely leads it well.

Vivarta will soon declare the names and details of even more events. As the crucial stage of this quarantine period is set to arrive, one must be very careful to maintain the guidelines, to stay home, to stay clean and the most important is to remain isolated. Be with Team Vivarta , be contained and busy, together we can fight this battle and prove our solidarity.


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