The team of Ram Setu shared pictures from the mahurat shot of the film in Ayodhya as the cast and crew joined in. From its lead actors, Akshay Kumar, Jacqueline Fernandes and Nushrratt Bharuccha, director Amit Verma to heads of Amazon Prime Video India and Abundantia Entertainment like Shikhaa Sharma, Vijay Subramaniun, Dr. Chandraprakash Dwivedi and Vikram Malhotra all were a part of the pictures.
The film marks another foray by Prime Video into India’s rich cultural heritage which will be available globally across 240 countries and territories.
Produced by Cape of Good Films, Abundantia Entertainment, Lyca Productions and Prime Video the action-adventure spectacle will be directed by Abhishek Sharma with Dr. Chandraprakash Dwivedi as the Creative Producer and will feature Indian superstar Akshay Kumar along with Jacqueline Fernandes and Nushrratt Bharuccha playing pivotal roles.
Inspired by Indian mythology and religion, Ram Setu will be a story based on facts, science and historical heritage. The story of the film will showcase strength, bravery, love and the unique values of our country that form its moral and social fabric.
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Amazon Prime Video will be the worldwide exclusive streaming partner for Ram Setu following its theatrical release.