Film-maker Rahul Mittra along with close friends actor Randeep Hooda, director Neerraj Pathak & actress Urvashi Rautela called on UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath at his official residence in Lucknow today. The Bollywood brigade was in town for the shoot of Jio Studios’ web series, Inspector Avinash, a cop thriller based on real-life experiences of retired UP police officer Avinash Mishra, essayed by Randeep Hooda who made a splash in the digital space with the Netflix film Extraction and will now be making his web series debut with this show. The series directed by writer-director Neerraj Pathak will also feature Urvashi Rautela, Adhyayan Suman, Mahesh Manjrekar, Rajniesh Duggal, Amit Sial, Govind Namdev, Freddy Daruwala and Rahul Mittra in pivotal roles. The CM assured his support to the visiting celebs for a hassle-free shoot in the state, apart from discussing the proposed film city project. Additional Chief Secretary Information Navneet Sehgal was also present in this hour long exclusive interaction.
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