Home / BUSINESS / Meet Self-made digital marketing empress, Monarch Jaiswal
Meet Self-made digital marketing empress, Monarch Jaiswal

Meet Self-made digital marketing empress, Monarch Jaiswal

“’Fire tests gold, suffering tests brave men” : Seneca

Well, in this case, it is a woman-a woman with 3 siblings and an aging mother; a woman in an all-female family; a woman with her own problems in addition to her struggle for education and employment. Instead of allowing herself to be buried in this ever-increasing list of miseries, she absorbed the pain just like a seed would absorb the soil, even when it was trying to bury her. Now she is, true to the core, a shining example of a self-made entrepreneur, tested by fire. She is Monarch Jaiswal, the founder of DMC and Monarch Web world with 8+ years of expertise in the field of digital marketing.

Though hailed from a family of businessmen, her entrepreneur-instincts were nurtured by the unwavering faith placed on her by her family, a few friends and mentors. One of them taught her “Damaged people are dangerous; they know they can survive”. Though she’s nowhere close to being dangerous, she definitely is a one with enormous will, not just to survive, but to thrive.

With a humble start in a couple of digital marketing companies and a series of promotions over the course of 4 years, Monarch gathered the emotional and intellectual necessities to prepare herself for her next goal: her very own digital marketing agency.

In 2014, Monarch gathered her all of her life-long savings and spent them on her start-up- Digital Marketing Careers agency- to help struggling businesses to get recognized and promoted. The interesting thing that happened in return for her services was the recognition of her own agency. Within a mere 3 years, after overcoming many hurdles along the way, with many trial and errors, in 2017, Monarch’s agency was awarded the prestigious Best Design Thinking Award in Global Designers meet, Australia. Soon, another brain-child of Monarch named Monarch Web World, originally a blog, was up and running.

After that, she is floating in the cloud called success. Year after year, her agency has earned awards and recognition that propelled them towards progress. But mind you, staying afloat is not easy and requires continual efforts, which she is eagerly putting into her start-up with an almost-manic passion. Her hard-work has paid off by acquiring her a client base of whopping 1200+ from more than 17 countries including Australia and UK.

Her ideas gave birth to a career filled with passion. It is that passion fuelling her to keep moving forward.

“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.” Jack Welch

In her earlier jobs, Monarch strived hard to develop herself. But as a true leader, after the establishment of her agency, in 2015, she made her team to grow up to a size of 12 members from an initial count of 6 and an enabled them to take specialized tasks as website developers, SEO strategists and Data Scientists. With the growth of her team, as if got caught in a virtuous circle,Monarch Web World is offering better solutions for problems faced by businesses in online by providing more pressing services like graphic designing, digital marketing and press releases.

But the interesting part is, it did not end within her agency. She also has inspired other agencies to take MWW as a model for an organization without politics and hierarchy. Her family-like team could be attributed as the reason for her profound success which is not typically seen in the corporate markets.

Moreover, Monarch had inspired her sisters and countless other women who despair at small hurdles thrown at their lives, with her resounding success as a female entrepreneur. She still does and will continue to be inspiring, while she keeps treading the difficult road to her ultimate progress.


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