It is said that “Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” A 25 year individual named Raman Bhatia has truly justified the above lines. His age might seem very less for someone to be famous and prominent, but his allegiance has served him the precise amount of success that he deserves.
Raman Bhatia is a Social Entrepreneur who has accomplished everything in his life at a very young age only by following his dreams and doing what he loves to do. Raman has an inclination towards creativity and art. He has used the best platform to showcase his talent and have used this platform to its maximum capacity in order to reach to the audience. Being a very interactive person, Raman has been in a position today where his life is socially very active and associative as well.
Raman’s parents had been very supportive of his thoughts and perception towards his future. Being from a middle class family, he never let his hopes fade away instead, he dreamt big and worked the hardest to accomplish the same. His associations currently are very impressive because of his labor and his toil. He never failed at creating new pages one social media sites like “ShayrikiDairy,” “Majaaktak” and he is also the founder of “therapmedia.” These pages were not only created for the reason to attract audience and to display his efforts as an artist but it was also created in order to represent his skills as a digital marketer.
From being associated to the social media sites to exploring the internet, he learnt new techniques and studied new fields like the being a digital marketer. It is quite a job to become a digital marketer. At this young at Raman was very determined to start his own work and encourage people to work in his association. His ideas and his knowledge in this field gave his revenues that he could have never imagined. His uphill struggle and ardor gave him everything that he wanted for his parents are well, from a car to a home; this middle class child did something extraordinary in order to become successful in life. Being diligent had always been his most powerful attribute. It might be quite hard to believe but his knowledge in e-commerce have earned him great revenues and brought him into the limelight as well. Through e-commerce, Raman’s half yearly turnover is in millions. However astonishing it might seem, he has achieved all of this through his hard slog and his never ending thirst for success.
It is a matter of pride and honor that Raman at this very young is inspiring people and he also induces them to follow their dreams and their passion. Having that comprehension that people seek in today’s time with a lot of sweat and strives; Raman has left no stone unturned to explore his power to grasp the information that he can through the internet. Being influential is not everybody’s cup of tea but as for Raman, his identity is enough to persuade people towards success. It needs pure fortitude to become an Entrepreneur at age. Ideas, ingenuity and commitment are his traits that led him towards this name and fame. An entrepreneur is someone who owns a business and exert in maintaining the intensification of the same with the passing time. Raman had a lot of responsibilities along with this inspiration to become an entrepreneur. But as they say, life gives you all the opportunities to achieve the best out of any kinds of situations, only the approach makes all the difference. Raman’s stimulation was his parents and his hunger to become an identified individual in this crowd of aspirations. His belief, labor and patience have offered him the love and support of his followers and the people who he inspired.