For the ones who are fascinated by the power of their dreams, never break. They move around even when the circumstances seem uncertain. These are the minds with the vividness of the opportunity in the path and the best is they know how to embrace the power of same. Considering upon such embracing people around us, Krishna Sharma is one such dream achiever who at an early age of 17 has created a world record of highest kill in PUBG mobile. All his videos with the popular creator are being uploaded on PUBG mobile and his official YouTube channel. Well, not just this, he is a real-life example setter of how dedication can bring in success to the hands of who uphold themselves even amidst the challenges around and probably this is the reason why India’s biggest streaming platform, Rheo, seeing his streaming capability and dedication upon gaming, sponsored him as their official streaming partner. He was also supported by MD is crazy and King an bru, the well-known YouTubers in the gaming channel.
Achievements know, no boundaries. The more you achieve, the more it comes to your entitlement. Krishna, well, he just keeps doing his part and leaves the rest. But even after being so calm within, he achieved a lot at such n young age. He was, “Finalist of NAFX a PUBG championship (Delhi), Dew Arena Lan, Guardian of Dream Hack 2019 by NODWIN Gaming” and “a qualifier at PMIT Group D”. Krishna is an excellent gamer and his experience is well-known around. He is popularly known as an amazing PUBG player and he runs his YouTube channel with the name SONIC YT. With respect, he holds in the gaming industry he has been titled as Scout, Mamba, Kinganbru, Maxtern, 8BitThug, Torpedo and many more. One of his well-known line amidst the gamers is, “If my Bad time was for work, I will dedicate my Good time also for work.”
Coming from the city of Ghaziabad, Delhi NCR, Krishna completed his education from Sun Valley International School. Being a Streamer, athlete, food blogger and an Instagram Influencer is all part of his hobbies, which for sure he enjoys and loves to be a part of. Krishna from his early age has receives all the support from his parents, who knew that the amazing personality and dreams of their son will take him to something pretty good. They trusted him and faith, probably this is why Krishna is also known as Sonic, an audible voice the world would hear. Well, the name does suit his personality and the achievements he is making and all we wish to see is what title he might achieve next.
Krishna is a foodie and his love for food made him start and upload some of the best food contents on his Instagram handle, Foodie_krishna. He always has been a great supporter and believer of friendship but the time came to stand around there was none in his friend group found his career plans a real means to move ahead apart. The support of his parents Mr Rajeev Sharma and Mrs Mamta Sharma and his friends, Sumit Dinkar, Ansh Nautiya,Rishi Aggarwall and Sanya, who stood by him and supported him were the only thing he relied upon. As of today, he earns in partnership with Aman Bhatti and considers it to be a very wise decision he made, other than following his dream.
As we know, Krishna is also an Instagram influencer with his account handle which had around 18k followers but due to no reason, his account was deleted by Instagram. He was also terminated from YouTube because of some Community guidelines strike. Even after facing so much around, he started again, created a new account with the username kisna_krishnaa and ensured the best to reach out. He has a non-giving up personality which truly believes in the success of hard-earned money. Truly for one following their dream, he is one to look forward to, as for he knows, the power of dreams and the power of hard-earned success.