The fashion trend in 2019 was very aesthetic and a very classy one. People wore shoes with bright textiles with different embellishments such as starfish etc, this was also seen on the runway of Michael Kors runway as well. A lot of experimentation was seen and apart from the regular trends like flip flops in warmer weather, we also saw an increase in sales of the same in our Liberty stores. Hot coral was something that too was seen on spring-summer runways of FDCI India Fashion Weeks and lot other runways, I guess this was so because “Living Coral “was the Pantone color of the year 2019.
Whether its sandals or boots Lavender seemed to be totally in, whether it’s an evening party or a Sunday brunch. Another trend worth noting was unusual colors like Mint or seafoam, making the footwear the center point of any outfit. For Men, Loafers has always been in and the new trend that one saw the entire year was Athleisure Shoes which people wore while they were in office and also while they were traveling. Leap 7x from Liberty Shoes was one of such successful segments in the year 2019 that came up with its athleisure range of AM to PM collection that makes you comfortable all day long.
Trends that were not great in 2019
Mismatched shoes, Remember Celene Dion wearing it at one of the events from a leading luxury brand. The broad shoes should not be worn in public unless you are a child or work in the medical profession, they are questionable in design and color, and while comfortable, they are ugly and unattractive to look at. From telephone dialer wedges to cabbage slippers, from grass flip, flops to noodles heels; shoe designers have gone all out in experimenting with bizarre styles in some of the top fashion runways which were a total failure for the year 2019.
With Input from Mr. Anupam Bansal Director Retail Liberty Shoes