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An Opinion by Educationist - Dr Varun Gupta
An Opinion by Educationist - Dr Varun Gupta

Education or Experience: Which One Gets Employment?

What weighs more when it comes to having a job is a debate as old as higher education itself. Does the academic degree get your foot in the door or does the work experience is valued comparatively larger? And beyond having an offer letter for a job, will your experience or your education prove you better with respect to staying employed, flourishing in your career, and making a good living for times to come?

On this debatable topic, Dr Varun Gupta, an edupreneur and humanitarian from Gurugram adds, It is significant that students foster successful independent acquiring abilities, can distinguish what they need to realize, can find and utilize fitting assets, apply the data back to the issue and ponder the assessment of their methodology for more noteworthy productivity and adequacy. They’re able to do all of this with the help of interactive learning.

Interactive learning education and skill development programs are what he believes to be the USP of New Education Policy. With his ventures mainly On Sky Global, Dr. Varun Gupta  is delivering hands-on teaching approach that prompts students to learn and get train by practical learning with course materials through technology including videos, online games and activities, curriculum tracking apps, and active discussions.

Through a practical learning approach together with a pool of mentors across the globe, Dr. Gupta has made reasoning abilities a part of his scholarship programs too. He believes hands-on training is the reason for the improvement of logical thinking. Students who investigate open-finished inquiries with creative minds and rationale figure out how to simply decide, rather than just briefly remembering the course book.


Assuming you’re a recent graduate, your new degree might fill in as proof that you’ve obtained the abilities vital for an entry level occupation in your picked field. Established businesses are probably going to see you as somebody who can find a good pace rapidly, requiring minimal hands-on preparation, which costs employers both time and cash.

Any work experience you’ve obtained en route can help whether it came as a temporary position in your field or essentially something important to take care of the bills. As George D. Kuh noted in The Chronicle of Higher Education, “research recommends that working during school is connected with gaining such boss favored abilities as collaboration and using time productively.” Such work, Kuh adds, too “assists understudies with seeing firsthand the viable worth of their homeroom advancing by applying it, all things considered, settings-which, additionally, often helps to clarify their career aspirations.

Is Experience a Substitute for Education?

To this question, the educationist and founder of Asia African Consortium, Dr. Varun Gupta says in some cases, yes. The completion of a significant course could be seen by employers as what might be compared to real work insight. Assuming that course was exceptionally respected, it might even be esteemed higher than time spent in the field.

Is the fee of the degree equivalent to the college degree’s worth?

That depends on what you plan to study and what the entry requirements for your chosen profession are. In lots of professions, a degree from a good school will help is what he answered.

(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author Varun Gupta only and do not necessarily reflect the views of PostmanNews.com)


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