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Book Review of 'Intelligence'

Book Review of ‘Intelligence’

According to general psychology, intelligence is a higher ability to learn, adapt, implement, and execute situational demands. The higher proficiency levels are reasoning, problem-solving, decision making, knowledge, emotional and mental balance, creativity and adjustment.

The study of human intelligence dates back to the 1800s, and Francis Galton is one of the first people to study intelligence. Thus, intelligence theory has been evolving, and intelligence is further classified according to the context and situation. In this connection, author Dr Amitabh Kishor Dwivedi, in his book Intelligence, has brought forward eleven intelligence types. In the preface section of the book, he further quotes that these are never given the required importance. The author has scientifically proven the types of intelligence observed in highly creative, intelligent and successful people in various fields through this book.

The book is divided into 16 chapters where; the first chapter is a brief introduction to the eleven types of intelligence explained in detail in further chapters. Chapters 2 to 12 are dedicated to the kinds of intelligence that the author has quoted in the preface part.

The last chapter is solely dedicated to the reference material used in writing this book. Unusually, a whole chapter is devoted to books that the author has referred to.

Each chapter, as mentioned earlier, is dedicated to each type of intelligence. The types of intelligence that the author mentioned are:

1.Linguistic (word smart),
2.Musical (sound smart),
3.Logical-mathematical (number/ reasoning smart),
4.Spatial (picture smart),
5.Bodily-kinesthetic (body smart),
6.Interpersonal (people smart),
7.Intra-personal (self smart),
8.Naturalist (nature smart),
9.Existential (life smart),
10.Emotional Intelligence and
11.Spiritual Intelligence

Out of the eleven chapters, the fourth type – Spatial Intelligence, in chapter 5 is my favourite. According to the author, spatial intelligence or visuospatial ability is when we visualize shapes in our ‘mind’s eye’. The chapter focuses on how spatial thinking changes from person to person according to age and branch of study.

Nevertheless, the book is a good composition of various things. There are famous people with all levels of intelligence explained, and many tips and takeaways are in this book. A more crisp editing and word indentation that enhances the book’s aesthetics could have been considered. Overall, this is a good book that can be read by all readers who wish to know more about Human Intelligence in a simple language.

Final Verdict
A comprehensive book of in-depth study on human intelligence types


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